;; Mode 2 pixel by pixel software scroll
;; hard-wired to work with characters 8 pixels wide and 8 tall, uses system font from ROM
;; Assembles with MAXAM.
;; Code written by Kev Thacker. 

.scr_set_mode equ &bc0e
.kl_l_rom_enable equ &b906
.kl_l_rom_disable equ &b909
.kl_u_rom_disable equ &b903
;; this program must not be located in range &0000-&3fff,
;; because we need to access the lower rom, and the lower rom
;; is paged into this memory range.
org &4000

;; set video mode (and clear screen)
ld a,2
call scr_set_mode

;; copy system font from operating system ROM

;; enable lower ROM (ROM data is readable in range &0000-&3fff)
call kl_l_rom_enable

ld hl,&3900		;; start of font pixel data in lower ROM
ld de,font_data				;; address to copy to
ld bc,&4000-&3900		;; length of font pixel data

;; disable lower rom now we are done with it 
call kl_l_rom_disable

;; disable upper rom because we will be reading/writing screen memory
;; and we don't want to read upper rom contents by mistake
call kl_u_rom_disable


call initialise_scroller


ld b,&f5
.ll1 in a,(c)
jr nc,ll1
call scroll_message
jp main_loop

ld hl,scroll_text
ld a,(hl)
jr sm2

.scroll_message ld a,0 ;current bit counter value
dec a   ;counts number of bits to scroll before updating 
   ;column buffer
and 7   ;make sure it loops 7..0 and repeats
ld (scroll_message+1),a ;store bit counter
jr nz,scroll_block ;scroll block in memory (or on-screen)

.sm1 ld hl,scroll_text ;current position in scroller message
inc hl   ;update position pointer
ld a,(hl)  ;get character at address
or a   ;is value zero?? (end of scroll message marker)
jr nz,sm2
ld hl,scroll_text ;return position pointer to start of scroll message
ld a,(hl)  ;get character at new position in scroll message

.sm2 ld (sm1+1),hl ;store position pointer
sub ' '   ;first character in font file
ld l,a   ;calculate offset from start of font file
ld h,0
add hl,hl  ;x2
add hl,hl  ;x4
add hl,hl  ;x8 (no of bytes occupied by character)
ld de,font_data ;start of first character's data in memory
add hl,de
ld de,column_buffer ;address to put data

ldi   ;poke column of character data into buffer
ldi   ;number of LDI's = height of character

ld b,8				;; char height
ld hl,&c000+79			;; rightmost position of scroller on-screen
ld de,&800+79		;; increment for next line (80 bytes wide screen, standard 640x200 screen)
ld ix,column_buffer
rl (ix+0)
inc ix
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
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dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
dec hl
rl (hl)
add hl,de
dec b
jp nz,pixel_scroll

;; stores one column of font for scrolling
;; note this is modified in scroller
.column_buffer defs 8

.scroll_text defb "THIS IS A TOTALLY AMAZING, SUPER SMOOTH, PIXEL PERFECT FANTASTIC PIXEL SCROLL ...........                                   ",0

;; font data copied from OS rom
.font_data equ $+1