org &2000
.kl_find_command equ &bcd4
.txt_output equ &bb5a
.bdos_set_message equ 1
.bdos_format equ 6
.bdos_move_track equ 7
.bdos_set_retry_count equ 9
.bdos_get_status equ 8
.bdos_select_format equ 3
.km_read_char equ &bb09
.km_wait_char equ &bb06
.DRIVE equ 0
.TRACK equ 1
.SECTOR_ID equ 2
ld hl,disc_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld hl,format_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (format_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (format_cmd_data+2),a
ld hl,select_format_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (select_format_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (select_format_cmd_data+2),a
ld hl,move_track_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (move_track_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (move_track_cmd_data+2),a
ld hl,set_retry_count_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (set_retry_count_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (set_retry_count_cmd_data+2),a
ld hl,set_message_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (set_message_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (set_message_cmd_data+2),a
ld ix,data
ld hl,format_type_txt
call print
call flush_keyboard
call km_wait_char
and &df
cp "V"
ld c,&41
jr z,copy3
cp "D"
ld c,&c1
jr z,copy3
ld a,7
call txt_output
jp copy2
call txt_output
ld (ix+sector_id),c
call crlf
ld hl,sel_drive_txt
call print
ld hl,drive_txt
call print
call get_drive
ld (ix+drive),c
ld hl,insert_disc_txt
call print
ld a,(ix+drive)
add a,"A"
call txt_output
ld hl,any_key_txt
call print
call flush_keyboard
call km_wait_char
ld a,(ix+sector_id)
call do_select_format
ld b,40
xor a
ld (ix+track),a
push af
push bc
ld hl,format_track_txt
call print
call disp_track
call format_track
pop bc
pop af
inc a
djnz format_disc
call km_read_char
jr nc,flush_keyboard
call flush_keyboard
call km_wait_char
and &df
cp "A"
ld c,0
jr z,gd2
cp "B"
ld c,1
jr z,gd2
ld a,7
call txt_output
jr get_drive
call txt_output
call crlf
ld a,13
call txt_output
ld a,10
call txt_output
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
ret z
call txt_output
jr print
ld a,(ix+track)
call print_decimal
ld e,1
ld b,100
call print_decimal_digit
ld b,10
call print_decimal_digit
dec e
ld b,1
ld c,0
sub b
jr c,dd2
inc c
jr dd
add a,b
push af
ld a,e
or a
ld a,c
jr z,dd4
or a
jr z,dd5
dec e
add a,"0"
call txt_output
pop af
push ix
rst 3
defw set_retry_count_cmd_data
pop ix
push ix
rst 3
defw move_track_cmd_data
pop ix
push ix
rst 3
defw format_cmd_data
pop ix
push ix
rst 3
defw select_format_cmd_data
pop ix
push ix
rst 3
defw set_message_cmd_data
pop ix
ld hl,format_data
push hl
ld b,9
ld a,(ix+sector_id)
ld c,(ix+track)
ld (hl),c
inc hl
ld (hl),0
inc hl
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld (hl),2
inc hl
inc a
djnz wt1
pop hl
ld e,(ix+drive)
ld d,(ix+track)
call do_move_track
ld e,(ix+drive)
ld d,(ix+track)
call do_format
defb "DIS","C"+&80
defb bdos_format+&80
defb bdos_select_format+&80
defb bdos_move_track+&80
defb bdos_set_retry_count+&80
defb bdos_set_message+&80
defw 0
defb 0
defw 0
defb 0
defw 0
defb 0
defw 0
defb 0
defw 0
defb 0
defb "Vendor or Data (V or D):",0
defb "Drive ",0
defb "(A or B):",0
defb "Insert disc into drive ",0
defb " and press any key",13,10,0
defb 13,"Format track ",0
defs 16
defs 9*4