Commented dissassembly of the KC compact operating system rom

;; identical to English CPC6128 operating system rom up to this point

;; initialise crtc

;; table of data
05a1 21e505    ld      hl,$05e5
;; initialise registers backwards
05a4 010fbc    ld      bc,$bc0f
05a7 ed49      out     (c),c
05a9 2b        dec     hl
05aa 7e        ld      a,(hl)
05ab 04        inc     b
05ac ed79      out     (c),a
05ae 05        dec     b
05af 0d        dec     c
05b0 f2a705    jp      p,$05a7

05b3 3100c0    ld      sp,$c000
05b6 06f5      ld      b,$f5				;; 8255 ppi port B
05b8 ed78      in      a,(c)
05ba 1f        rra     
05bb 1f        rra     

05bc 21b106    ld      hl,$06b1			;; start of Z8536 configuration data
05bf 013dee    ld      bc,$ee3d			;; Z8536 control register port &eexx, and Z8536 setup count for operating system
05c2 3005      jr      nc,$05c9         		;; /TEST=0
05c4 cda206    call    $06a2
05c7 181c      jr      $05e5            		;; /TEST=1
								;; continue OS start-up

05c9 cda006    call    $06a0				;; initialise Z8536 for test program transfer

05cc 2180a8    ld      hl,$a880			;; transfer test program to &a880
05cf 1e00      ld      e,$00
05d1 e5        push    hl
05d2 c33807    jp      $0738

;; crtc data identical to crtc data for 50hz display in English CPC6128
;; operating system rom (but moved from 0x05c5)
;; 0x05d5
defb &3f, &28, &2e, &8e, &26, &00, &19, &1e, &00, &07, &00, &00,&30, &00
defb &c0, &00 

;; range 0x05e5-0x067c
;; identical to English CPC6128 operating system rom
067d 218206    ld      hl,$0682		;; start up string
0680 1879      jr      $06fb            	;; display start up string

;; "KC Compact Version 1.3"
;; &682-&69f
defb &0a,"KC Compact",&0d,&0a," Version 1.3",0x0d,0x0a,0x00,0x00

;; setup Z8536 

05bf 013dee    ld      bc,$ee3d

;; starts here when initialise Z8536 for test program transfer
06a0 0e31      ld      c,$31

;; starts here when initialise Z8536 for operating system start-up

;; reset Z8536 state (Z8536 is in reset state)
06a2 ed78      in      a,(c)

;; Z8536 go to state 0 (Z8536 is now waiting for register index write)
06a4 af        xor     a
06a5 ed79      out     (c),a

06a7 ed78      in      a,(c)

;; loop now does: write register index, write register data, write register index,.....
06a9 7e        ld      a,(hl)
06aa ed79      out     (c),a			; write register index or register data
06ac 23        inc     hl
06ad 0d        dec     c
06ae 20f9      jr      nz,$06a9
06b0 c9        ret     

;; 0x06b1

;; start of Z8536 configuration data
defb &00, &01			;; Master interrupt control: reset
;; at this point, Z8536 is in reset state, and requires a write with bit 0=0
;; a read will not change it's state.
defb &22				;; advance CIO to state 0 from RESET STATE
defb &2a, &44			;; Port B's data path polarity: 01000100 (invert bits 2 and 6)
defb &05, &02			;; Port C's data path polarity: 00000000 (do not invert any bits)
defb &23, &bd			;; Port A's data direction:  10111101 (bit 1 is INPUT, bit 6 is INPUT all other bits are OUTPUT)
defb &2b, &ee			;; Port B's data direction:  11101110 (bit 0 is INPUT, bit 4 is INPUT all other bits are OUTPUT)
defb &06, &ee			;; Port C's data direction:  11101110 (bit 0 is INPUT, bit 4 is INPUT all other bits are OUTPUT)
defb &24, &42			;; Port A's special I/O Control 
defb &0d, &ff			;; Port A's data: 11111111
defb &01, &94			;; Master Configuration Control: Port B enable, disable counters, port a enable
defb &16, &02			;; Counter/Timer 1's Time Constant MSB: &02
defb &17, &47			;; Counter/Timer 1's Time Constant LSB: &47
defb &18, &01			;; Counter/Timer 2's Time Constant MSB: &01
defb &19, &67			;; Counter/Timer 2's Time Constant LSB: &67
defb &1a, &00			;; Counter/Timer 3's Time Constant MSB: &00
defb &1b, &1a			;; Counter/Timer 3's Time Constant LSB: &1a
						;; Timer 1 time constant: &0247 (583), Timer 2 time constant: &0167 (359), Timer 3 time constant: &1a (26 = 52 * (1/2)!!!!)

defb &1c, &fc			;; Counter/Timer 1's Mode specification: Continuous,external output enable,external count enable,
						;; external trigger enable, external gate enable, retrigger enable bit, pulse output
defb &1d, &fc			;; Counter/Timer 2's Mode specification: Continuous,external output enable,external count enable,
						;; external trigger enable, external gate enable, retrigger enable bit, pulse output
defb &1e, &fc			;; Counter/Timer 3's Mode specification: Continuous,external output enable,external count enable,
						;; external trigger enable, external gate enable, retrigger enable bit, pulse output
defb &0a, &04			;; Counter/Timer 1's Command and Status: Gate Command Bit
defb &0b, &04			;; Counter/Timer 2's Command and Status: Gate Command Bit
defb &0c, &04			;; Counter/Timer 3's Command and Status: Gate Command Bit
defb &01, &f4			;; Master Configuration Control: Port B enable, Counter/Timer 1 enable, Counter/Timer 2 enable,
						;; Counter/Timer 3 enable, port A and B operate independantly, port A enable, counter/timers are
						;; idependant
defb &0a, &06			;; Counter/Timer 1's Command and Status: Gate Command Bit,Trigger Command Bit
defb &0b, &06			;; Counter/Timer 2's Command and Status: Gate Command Bit,Trigger Command Bit

;; the following are setup for the operating system only
defb &01, &f0			;; Master Configuration Control: Port B enable, Counter/Timer 1 enable, Counter/Timer 2 enable,
						;; Counter/Timer 3 enable, port A and B operate independantly, port A disable, counter/timers are
						;; idependant
defb &22, &80			;; Port A's data path polarity: invert bit 7, all other bits unchanged
defb &23, &00			;; Port A's data direction: all bits output
defb &24, &00			;; Port A's special I/O control: no actions
defb &01, &f4			;; Master Configuration Control: Port B enable, Counter/Timer 1 enable, Counter/Timer 2 enable,
						;; Counter/Timer 3 enable, port A and B operate independantly, port A enable, counter/timers are
						;; idependant
defb &0d, &7f			;; Port A's data: 01111111 (/strobe = 0)
;; end of Z8536 configuration data

;; write 0x0ff - DATA1="1", DATA2="1", /STROBE="1", DATA7="1"
06ee 0eff      ld      c,$ff
06f0 ed49      out     (c),c

06f2 ed78      in      a,(c)
06f4 17        rla     			;; carry contains state of /STROBE
06f5 30f9      jr      nc,$06f0        
;; to get here /STROBE must read as "1"
06f7 1873      jr      $076c        ;; wait

;; range 0x06f9-0x0722 
;; identical to English CPC6128 operating system rom

0723 212707    ld      hl,$0727
0726 c9        ret     
;; "Ams",0
;; 0x0727
defb "Ams"",0

;; get data bit
072b ed78      in      a,(c)
072d 17        rla     			;; carry contains state of /STROBE
072e d4ee06    call    nc,$06ee	;; if strobe is 0, write 0x0ff and wait for /STROBE to change to 1
0731 1f        rra     			
0732 1f        rra    			;; carry contains state of DATA1
;; write 0x0f and wait
0733 0e0f      ld      c,$0f
0735 1833      jr      $076a          
0737 c9        ret     

;; transfer test program sequence
0738 06ef      ld      b,$ef			;; transfer using printer port
							;; printer port DATA2, DATA1, /STROBE and DATA7
							;; are also available on the expansion port

;; synchronisation stage
073a ed78      in      a,(c)			;; state of /STROBE
073c 17        rla     				;; carry contains state of /STROBE
073d 30fb      jr      nc,$073a		
;; to get here /STROBE must read as "1"
073f 1f        rra     
0740 1f        rra     				;; carry contains state of DATA1
0741 30f7      jr      nc,$073a         
;; to get here /STROBE and DATA1 must read as "1"

0743 ed78      in      a,(c)
0745 17        rla     				;; carry contains state of /STROBE
0746 30f2      jr      nc,$073a         	
;; to get here /STROBE must read as "1"
0748 1f        rra     
0749 1f        rra     				;; carry contains state of DATA1
074a 38f7      jr      c,$0743         
;; to get here /STROBE must read as "1" and DATA1 must read as "0"

074c cd3307    call    $0733			;; write 0x0f and wait (DATA1="1", DATA2="1",DATA7="0", /STROBE="0")

;; repeat 8 times (once for each bit)
074f 1608      ld      d,$08
0751 cdee06    call    $06ee			;; write 0x0ff and wait for /STROBE to change to 1
							;; DATA1="1", DATA2="1",DATA7="1"/STROBE="1"
0754 cd2b07    call    $072b			;; read bit
0757 cb16      rl      (hl)			;; shift data bit in
0759 15        dec     d
075a 20f5      jr      nz,$0751     

075c 0ef0      ld      c,$f0
075e cdf006    call    $06f0			;; write 0x0f0 and wait
							;; DATA1="0", DATA2="0",DATA7="1",/STROBE="1"

0761 cd2b07    call    $072b			;; get data bit
0764 23        inc     hl
0765 1d        dec     e
0766 2886      jr      z,$06ee            ;; if 256 bytes have been transfered...
0768 18e5      jr      $074f            
;; write and wait
076a ed49      out     (c),c
;; wait
076c f5        push    af
076d 3e11      ld      a,$11
076f 3d        dec     a
0770 20fd      jr      nz,$076f
0772 f1        pop     af
0773 c9        ret     
0774 00        nop     
;; range 0x0775-0x03fff 
;; identical to English CPC6128 operating system rom

Dissassembly made using dZ80 tool by Mark Incley