;; This example shows the correct method to read the keyboard and ;; joysticks on the CPC, CPC+ and KC Compact. ;; ;; This source is compatible with the CPC+. ;; ;; The following is assumed before executing of this algorithm: ;; - I/O port A of the PSG is set to input, ;; - PPI Port A is set to output ;; ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; example code showing how to use read_matrix. org &4000 nolist .main_loop ;; wait for vsync ld b,&f5 .v1 in a,(c) rra jr nc,v1 call read_matrix ;; NOTE: Consult the 'matrix' table in the ;; document 'Scanning the Keyboard & Joysticks' to find the keyboard line ;; and bit for the keys you want to check. ;; test the 'return' key has been pressed. ;; (line 2, bit 2). ld a,(matrix_buffer+2) bit 2,a jr z,not_pressed ;; return key pressed .not_pressed jp main_loop ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .read_matrix ld hl,matrix_buffer ; buffer to store matrix data ld bc,&f40e ; write PSG register index (14) to PPI port A (databus to PSG) out (c),c ld b,&f6 in a,(C) and &30 ld c,A or &C0 ; bit 7=bit 6=1 (PSG operation: write register index) out (c),a ; set PSG operation -> select PSG register 14 ;; at this point PSG will have register 14 selected. ;; any read/write operation to the PSG will act on this register. out (c),c ; bit 7=bit 6=0 (PSG operation: inactive) inc b ld a,&92 out (c),a ; write PPI control: port A: input, port B: input, port C upper: output ; port C lower: output push bc set 6,c ; bit 7=0, bit 6=1 (PSG operation: read register data) .scan_key ld b,&f6 out (c),c ;set matrix line & set PSG operation ld b,&f4 ;PPI port A (databus to/from PSG) in a,(c) ;get matrix line data from PSG register 14 cpl ;invert data: 1->0, 0->1 ;if a key/joystick button is pressed bit will be "1" ;keys that are not pressed will be "0" ld (hl),a ;write line data to buffer inc hl ;update position in buffer inc c ;update line ld a,c and &0f cp &0a ;scanned all rows? jr nz,scan_key ;no loop and get next row ;; scanned all rows pop bc ld a,&82 ;write PPI Control: Port A: Output, Port B: Input, Port C upper: output, Port C lower: output. out (c),a dec b out (c),c ;set PSG operation: bit7=0, bit 6=0 (PSG operation: inactive) ret ;; This buffer has one byte per keyboard line. ;; Each byte defines a single keyboard line, which defines ;; the state for up to 8 keys. ;; ;; A bit in a byte will be '1' if the corresponding key ;; is pressed, '0' if the key is not pressed. .matrix_buffer defs 10