;; This example shows another way to handle the interrupts by hitting the hardware ;; directly. ;; org &4000 start: ;; disable interrupts di ;; set interrupt mode 1 im 1 ;; poke EI:RET to &0038 to make a dummy interrupt handler ld hl,&c9fb ;; C9 = RET, FB = EI ld (&0038),hl ;; enable interrupts ei mainloop: ld b,&f5 ml1: in a,(c) rra jr nc,ml1 ;; this will be 2 HSYNC after VSYNC if we don't do much work here halt ;; do some work here (less than 52 lines) halt ;; do some work here (less than 52 lines) halt ;; do some work here (less than 52 lines) halt ;; do some work here (less than 52 lines) halt ;; do some work here (less than 52 lines) halt jp mainloop end start