;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; This example shows how to use SCR HW ROLL to hardare scroll ;; a rectangular region of the screen up and down by 1 char line (8 scanlines). ;; ;; The effect is not good because drawing takes a long time. ;; ;; NOTES: ;; Scrolling down: ;; 1. When the area is scrolled down the top-most line will now be 1 char line down. ;; 2. The line will be cleared to the encoded ink we define. ;; 3. We then draw only the top-most line to make the scroll continue. ;; ;; Scrolling up: ;; 1. When the area is scrolled up the bottom-most line will now be 1 char line up. ;; 2. The line will be cleared to the encoded ink we define. ;; 3. We then draw only the bottom-most line to make the scroll continue. ;; ;; For both we remember what char we want to draw at top and bottom, and each time ;; we scroll we update this. ;; ;; The char could also be thought of as the Y coordinate within a tilemap, and we can ;; then draw all the tiles on that row. ;; ;; Use cursor keys to control. ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- scr_set_mode equ &bc0e scr_hw_roll equ &bc4d txt_set_cursor equ &bb75 txt_output equ &bb5a mc_wait_flyback equ &bd19 scr_ink_encode equ &bc2c scr_width equ 40 ;; width of screen in chars scr_height equ 25 ;; height of screen in chars km_test_key equ &bb1e ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- org &4000 nolist ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; set mode ld a,1 call scr_set_mode ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; we clear to ink 2, get encoded version ld a,2 call scr_ink_encode ld (clear_encoded_ink),a ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; calc initial char at top and bottom for when we update scroll ld a,'A' ld (char_top),a ld b,scr_height-1 calc_char_bottom: call upd_scrl_char_u djnz calc_char_bottom ld (char_bottom),a ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_scrl ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; the main loop main_loop: call mc_wait_flyback ;; check keys call do_keys ld a,(update_scroll) or a call nz,draw_scroll jp main_loop ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- init_scrl: ;; initialise scroll area ;; ;; fill with chars ld h,1 ld l,1 ld c,scr_width ld b,scr_height ld a,(char_top) ;; char for first line init_scrl_h: push af push bc push hl push af ;; set char coordinate for start of line call txt_set_cursor pop af init_scrl_w: ;; display char and move to right call txt_output dec c jr nz,init_scrl_w pop hl pop bc pop af inc l ;; go down next char line call upd_scrl_char_u djnz init_scrl_h ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; depending on scroll direction we choose to draw at the top or the bottom ;; of the area to maintain the scroll draw_scroll: ld a,(update_scroll) or a jp z,main_loop xor a ld (update_scroll),a ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; based on scrolling direction, update the char ;; that will be drawn at top and bottom call upd_char_scrl ld a,(direction) ld b,a ;; direction ;; 0=down, <>0 up ld a,(clear_encoded_ink) ;; clear colour call scr_hw_roll call set_scrl_char_coord call get_scrl_char ld b,scr_width draw_new_line: call txt_output djnz draw_new_line ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; check keyboard ;; ;; cursor keys do_keys: ld a,0*8+0 call km_test_key jr nz,move_up ld a,0*8+2 call km_test_key jr nz,move_down ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; handle scrolling up ;; move_up: ld a,&ff ld (direction),a ld a,1 ld (update_scroll),a ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; handle scrolling down move_down: ld a,0 ld (direction),a ld a,1 ld (update_scroll),a ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; based on scrolling direction determine where to draw chars set_scrl_char_coord: ld a,(direction) or a jp z,set_scrl_char_coord_d jp set_scrl_char_coord_u ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_scrl_char_coord_d: ld h,1 ld l,1 call txt_set_cursor ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_scrl_char_coord_u: ld h,1 ld l,scr_height call txt_set_cursor ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; based on drawing direction get char to draw to continue scroll get_scrl_char: ld a,(direction) or a ld a,(char_top) ret z ld a,(char_bottom) ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- upd_char_scrl: ld a,(direction) or a jp z,upd_char_scrl_d jp upd_char_scrl_u ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- upd_char_scrl_d: ld a,(char_top) call upd_scrl_char_d ld (char_top),a ld a,(char_bottom) call upd_scrl_char_d ld (char_bottom),a ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- upd_char_scrl_u: ld a,(char_top) call upd_scrl_char_u ld (char_top),a ld a,(char_bottom) call upd_scrl_char_u ld (char_bottom),a ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; top is initially A, ;; when we scroll down A will be shifted to 2nd line ;; then the new line should show Z ;; wrap around Z->A upd_scrl_char_d: dec a cp 'A'-1 ret nz ld a,'Z' ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; top is initially A, ;; when we scroll down A will be shifted to 2nd line ;; then the new line should show Z upd_scrl_char_u: inc a cp 'Z'+1 ret nz ld a,'A' ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; 0 for down, !=0 for up direction: defb 0 ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- char_top: defb 0 char_bottom: defb 0 ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; 0 to do not update scroll, !=0 for doing scroll update_scroll: defb 0 ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; encoded ink for clearing line clear_encoded_ink: defb 0