;; This example shows how to double buffer a standard 16K screen ;; using the hardware. The example is minimal and just shows how ;; you set the screen base to do the double buffer it doesn't show ;; how to draw on double buffered screens. ;; ;; One screen will be at &4000-&7fff. ;; Second screen will be at &c000-&ffff. ;; ;; This example assumes we are executing at exactly 50hz because ;; the double buffer flip always happens every 50th of a second. ;; ;; location for our code, not inside visible screen area (this allows ;; us to scroll the screen if we need) org &8000 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- start: di im 1 ld a,&c3 ld hl,int_handler ld (&0038),a ld (int_handler),hl ei ;; we display the visible screen ld a,&c0 ld (base_visible),a ;; we draw to the hidden screen, this is it's initial state ld a,&40 ld (base_hidden),a loop: jp loop ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int_handler: ;; store registers we will change push af push bc push hl ;; in VSYNC? ld b,&f5 in a,(c) rra jr nc,int_handler2 ;; no, skip double buffer ;; in VSYNC ;; ;; here we update our double buffer ;; set screen address using CRTC ;; ;; we set R12/R13. ld a,(base_visible) ;; make the value correct for crtc srl a srl a ld bc,&bc0c ;; CRTC R12 out (c),c ;; B = &BD inc b out (c),a dec b inc c ;; BC=&BC0D out (c),c ;; CRTC R13 inc b ;; B = &BD xor a out (c),a ;; ;; &c0-&40 AND &40-&c0 ld a,(base_visible) xor &80 ld (base_visible),a ;; code should now use this to work out how to draw ;; &40-&c0 AND &c0-&40 ld a,(base_hidden) xor &80 ld (base_hidden),a int_handler2: pop hl pop bc ei reti ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; this is the visible screen base_visible: defb &c0 ;; this is the hidden screen we draw to base_hidden: defb &40 end start