nolist write "cliffcde.bin" ; ; This code uses KL BANK SWITCH and KL SCAN NEEDED which are only present in ; f/w V1.2 and greater (6128) - you have been warned ! ; ; Apologies for some of this code, but most of it was written one Sunday in ; a bit of a rush. ; ; P.S. Have a close look at the Supertest screens, they were saved onto an ; Arnold disk from a Spectrum and converted to Arnold format with a very ; short program that appeared in the July 86 issue of ACU. ; txtoutput equ #bb5a scrsetmode equ #bc0e kllogext equ #bcd1 scrmodeclear equ #bdeb klnewfastticker equ #bce0 kldelfastticker equ #bce6 mcwaitflyback equ #bd19 mcsetmode equ #bd1c mcsetinks equ #bd25 ;cseg org #a000 ;anywhere in central 32k jp logrsxs ;logon the RSXs for multi mode jp showscr ;show/clear screen from top down jp upscrn ;ditto from bottom up jp setram ;switch in parm. RAM page jp unpack ;unpack Art Sutdio screen at #2000 to page parm. logrsxs: ; ; RSX routines to allow setting of various modes/inks down screen ; ; by Cliff Lawson 1985/86 ; ; There are 4 areas within the main display area so that ; ; |MODES,m1,m2,m3,m4 ; ; will set these four areas. mn is 0..2 obviously (other value ; means no change). The other 2 of the possible 6 are just about in ; the top and bottom border so are set to m1 and m4 resp. ; ; ; |INKS,s,ib,i0,i1,i2,..,i14,i15 ; ; This allows the inks in section s to be set to i0..i15. The border for that ; section is set by ib. If a section is in MODE 1 then only ib and i0..i3 need ; be specified and in MODE 2 only ib,i0,i1. There are 6 sections visible, ; including two areas within the top and bottom border. A value greater than ; 26 for ib or i0..i15 means leave that ink as it is so for example : ; ; |INKS,3,99,99,99,99,17 ; ; will set ink 4 in section 3 to 17 (like INK 4,17). ; ; ; |NORMAL,m ; ; removes events and puts screen back to normal in MODE m (or MODE 2 if no m ; is given). ; ld hl,work ld bc,comtab jp kllogext ;add the RSX commands comtab: defw namtab jp modset jp offev jp setinks namtab: defb 'MODE','S'+#80 defb 'NORMA','L'+#80 defb 'INK','S'+#80 defb 0 warn1: ;remind syntax if 4 parms not given ld hl,modemess jp pmess modset: cp 4 jr nz,warn1 ;always takes 4 parameters otherwise warn. call remove ;just in case |MODES is already in effect ld hl,modevec ld (hl),0 ld de,modevec+1 ld bc,5 ldir ;reset list of modes (6, but just 4 visible) ld b,6 ld hl,modevec+4 ;work backwards from +4 to +1 cjl: ld a,(ix+0) ;get RSX parameter ld (hl),a ;store in mode vector dec hl inc ix inc ix djnz cjl ;fill in middle 4 of 6 mode sections ld a,(modevec+1) ld (modevec),a ;make 0 and 1 the same ld a,(modevec+4) ld (modevec+5),a ;make 4 and 5 the same ld a,#c9 ld (scrmodeclear),a ;so MODE wont clear the screen ld a,0 ld (section),a ;initialise section counter di ld bc,#f500 ;want to sync addition of event to known pnt. waitnoff: in a,(c) bit 0,a jr nz,waitnoff waitff: in a,(c) bit 0,a jr z,waitff ; ;Gets here as soon as it goes into next frame flyback. ; call #b92a ;KL SCAN NEEDED ld hl,evblk ld b,#81 ld de,evrout jp klnewfastticker ;add the 300th sec event evrout: ; ; this is run every 300th of a second allowing 6 changes in the 50th ; of a second that it takes to scan the screen ; ld a,(section) ;section counter inc a cp 6 ;0..5 ld (section),a jr nz,skip xor a ld (section),a skip: push af ld hl,modevec ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de ;add section number (section) onto base of vec list ld a,(hl) call mcsetmode pop af ;get section number back call mult17 ;convert to absolute table address in DE call mcsetinks ;set new inks palette ret mult17: ; ; multiply A by 17 to make offset in ink vector table ; ; return table address in DE ; corrupts hl and af ; cp 6 ;section numbers only go up to 5 jr nc,warn3 ld e,a ;hold onto 1*a sla a sla a sla a sla a ;a*16 add e ;a*16+a*1=a*17 ld hl,ivecs ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de push hl pop de ;de points at 17 bytes of ink vector. ret warn3: ld hl,sectmess jp pmess offev: ; ; reset screen mode clear indrection so that MODE now clears the screen ; finally pick up parameter and switch to that mode (or 2 if no parm) ; push af call remove pop af or a jr nz,eric ld a,2 jp scrsetmode eric ld a,(ix+0) jp scrsetmode remove: ld a,#c3 ld (scrmodeclear),a ld hl,evblk jp kldelfastticker setinks: ; ; set the inks and border colours for a particular section ; ; as always, on entry A holds the N, the number of parameters and IX points ; to the stacked parameters. That is ; ; (IX+0/1) holds ink N ; (IX+2/3) holds ink N-1 ; : : : ; (IX+2N-5/2N-6) holds ink 1 ; (IX+2N-3/2N-2) holds border colour ; (IX+2N-1/2N) holds section number ; or a ;set flags jr z,warn2 ;if no parms then give syntax ld b,a ;put number of parms somewhere useful sla a ;2N dec a ;2N-1 (point at low byte of section word) push ix pop hl ;about to calculate section parm address ld e,a ld d,0 add hl,de ;hl=ix+2N-1 dec hl ;fiddle factor ld a,(hl) ;get section number push hl call mult17 ;make addr for ivecs table in DE pop hl dec b ;going to loop for all but section number fred: dec hl dec hl ;double dec because they are words ld a,(hl) ;get parameter cp 27 jr nc,same ;if ink given is >26 then leave it the same call convert ld (de),a ;set ink to new value same inc de ;step inks pointer on djnz fred ret warn2: ld hl,inksmess jp pmess pmess: ; ; Print message pointed at by HL and ended with a dollar sign (a la CPM 9) ; ld a,(hl) cp "$" ret z inc hl call txtoutput jr pmess convert: ; ; convert from grey scale number to h/w colour number ; push hl push de ld e,a ld d,0 ld hl,convtable add hl,de ld a,(hl) pop de pop hl ret ;dseg modemess defb 10,'|MODES,m1,m2,m3,m4',13,10,10 defb 'sets the mode for 4 visible sections$' inksmess defb 10,'|INKS,s,b,i0,..,i15',13,10,10 defb 'sets the border (b) and inks (i0 up to',13,10 defb 'i15) for section s (0..5)$' sectmess defb 10,'Are you sure, my mum always told me',13,10 defb 'that section numbers were from 0 to 5$' evblk defs 9 ;event block section defb 1 ;current screen section (0..5) modevec defs 6 ;6 bytes to hold mode for each section work defs 4 ;system work space for RSX commands ivecs ;table of 6 palettes (1 border and 16 inks) defb 20,20,18,12,21,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14 defb 20,20,18,12,21,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14 defb 20,20,18,12,21,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14 defb 20,20,18,12,21,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14 defb 20,20,18,12,21,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14 defb 20,20,18,12,21,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14 convtable ;conversion table from h/w to grey number defb 20,4,21,28,24,29,12,5,13,22,6,23,30,0,31,14 defb 7,15,18,2,19,26,25,27,10,3,11 defb "The above code is as per an article by me, Cliff " defb "Lawson that appeared in ACU. The following are " defb "the routines to draw the screen from top to " defb "bottom and bottom to top - rather than Venetian " defb "blind style. There is also a routine to unpack " defb "Art Studio pictures. For all this and more, see " defb "CLIFFCDE.TXT - a Maxam source file somewhere on" defb "one of these two disks" showscr: ; ;used in the form CALL entry,0 or 1 (0 means clear. 1 means draw from #4000) ;(from top down) ; ld a,(ix+0) ;get parameter ld (blkbyt),a ld hl,#c000 ;screen start ssfred: ld b,#50 ;bytes per line push hl sseric: ld a,(blkbyt) or a jr z,fillzero push hl ; ld de,#8000 ;going to pick up piccky from #4000... (c000-8000) ; xor a ; sbc hl,de ;make source addr res 7,h ld a,(hl) ;get byte pop hl ;recover destn addr fillzero: ld (hl),a ;show the byte inc hl djnz sseric pop hl ld de,#800 add hl,de jr nc,ssfred ld de,#c050 add hl,de push hl ld de,#c5A0 ;down to line 18 xor a sbc hl,de pop hl jr z,theend jr ssfred theend: ret blkbyt: defb 0 upscrn: ; ;used in the form CALL entry,0 or 1 (0 means clear. 1 means draw from #4000) ;(from bottom up) ; ld a,(ix+0) ld (blkbyt),a ld hl,#c5a0 usfred: ld b,#50 ;bytes per line push hl useric: ld a,(blkbyt) or a jr z,ufllzero push hl ; ld de,#8000 ;going to pick up piccky from #4000... (c000-8000) ; xor a ; sbc hl,de ;make source addr res 7,h ld a,(hl) ;get byte pop hl ;recover destn addr ufllzero: ld (hl),a ;show the byte inc hl djnz useric pop hl ld de,#800 xor a sbc hl,de ;go up a pixel line push hl ;save new addr ld de,#c000 xor a sbc hl,de ;carry set if gone below #c000 pop hl ;restore current addr jr z,atstart ;addr is #c000 so at top screen jr nc,notbelow ld de,#3fb0 add hl,de ;keep within #c000..#ffff notbelow: jr usfred atstart: ;the following tidies up the top line ld b,#50 enderic: ld a,(blkbyt) or a jr z,endzero push hl ld de,#8000 ;going to pick up piccky from #4000... (c000-8000) xor a sbc hl,de ;make source addr ld a,(hl) ;get byte pop hl ;recover destn addr endzero: ld (hl),a ;show the byte inc hl djnz enderic ret setram: ; ; used in the form CALL entry,RAM page for #4000 ; ld a,(ix+0) jp #bd5b unpack: ; ;used in the form CALL entry,RAM page for screen that is unpacked from #2000 ; ld a,(ix+0) ld (membank),a ;save memory bank parameter ld hl,#2005 ;+5 to get past the MJH 00 10 ld de,#6000 uploop: ld a,(hl) ;get packed byte cp 1 jr nz,simple ;if it isn't one then just store and loop inc hl ld b,(hl) ;get number to use inc hl ld a,(hl) ;get byte to use inc hl ;point at next source for next go ufredlp: ld (de),a inc de djnz ufredlp jr chkend simple: cp "M" jr nz,reallysimp push hl inc hl ld a,(hl) cp "J" jr nz,popsimp inc hl ld a,(hl) cp "H" jr nz,popsimp inc hl ld a,(hl) inc hl cp 0 jr nz,popsimp ; ;just found MJH(0) - skipped it. ; pop af ;waste the stored HL dec de jr uploop popsimp: pop hl reallysimp: ld (de),a inc hl ;step source inc de ;step destn chkend: push hl ;save source ld hl,#a000 ;last byte xor a sbc hl,de ;has destn reached the end yet pop hl ;recover source jr nc,uploop ld hl,#6000 ld de,#2000 ld bc,#2000 ldir ;move half below switched memory area ld a,(membank) call #bd5b ;switch in destn memory bank @4000..8000 ld hl,#2000 ld de,#4000 ld bc,#2000 ldir ;move lower half in place ld hl,#8000 ld de,#6000 ld bc,#2000 ldir ;mover upper half in place ret list membank: defb 0 end KL SCAN NEEDED which are only present